Raven is the main character. Her best friends are Chelsea and Eddie. She seems to be your ordinary teenage girl, but, she has an out-of-the-ordinary talent, she can have psychic visions. Sometimes she misunderstands these visions and tries to stop them, she gets into a lot of odd situations and sometimes she gets into trouble. She is very unique.
Chelsea is one of Raven's best friends. She is an environmentalist and a very strict vegetarian. She isn't the brightest person you've ever met. Even though she is not very bright, she has been known to surprise some people. She's a really good freind especially to her best friends Raven and Eddie. She's a really nicce girl.
Eddie is one of Raven's best friends. He really wants to be a rapper when he grows up, and is a member of the school basketball team. He is almost like a big brother to Cory Baxter(Raven's little brother). He is always after the ladies, and almost always turned down. He is a really funny guy and a great friend.
Cory is Raven's little brother and her only sibling. He has two best friends, William and Larry, they all formed a band together called:"Cory and the Boys". Cory is pretty much completely obsessed with money and he always has some buisness going where he makes lots of money.Early in the series he had a crush on Chelsea but then found a girlfriend named Sydney.
Victor is the loving father of Raven and Cory. He was a chef in a restaurant before opening his own resturant called: The Chill Grill. His biggest rival is Leonard Stevenson, who also owns a resturant. Victor is just kind of a real goofy guy, and a totally awesome dad, even Raven's friends like to hand around him.
Tanya is the funny and loving mother of Raven and Cory. She was pretty much a housewife until she decided that she really wanted to study law. She decided to go to England for a law school. She is a really cool mom and always has something funny to say, and on occassion she will play a trick on her kids. | | | | | |